Bridge Missions is focused on connecting our church family with what the Lord is already doing in the nations! We actively seek opportunities to be His hands and feet in the countries and cultures where He calls us, both through short-term missions and through long-term partnerships.
We value and develop missional relationships that allow us to answer His call to make disciples of all nations. In addition, we encourage and mobilize God’s people — of all ages — to join Him in bringing the Gospel to every tongue and tribe!
Our Missions Partners
Short-Term Missions
Short-Term Missions opportunities have a regular rhythm at The Bridge! Whether it’s a multi-generational cross-border weekend mission to an orphanage in Mexico, a disaster-relief mission to help rebuild on a Caribbean island, or multi-week mission to work alongside missionaries in Africa, there are always opportunities for individuals at The bridge to answer Jesus’ call to make disciples of all nations!
Jesus said “The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few.” (Matthew 9:37)
Are you ready to work? Then you are qualified to be part of a short-term mission at The Bridge!
As an advisory body made up of individuals with a heart to mobilize God’s people into Global Missions, we oversee and advise all Global Missions activities and steward the Global Missions Fund.
If you have any questions about Global Missions at The Bridge, our partners or the GMF, we’d love to talk with you.
-The Global Missions Council