Welcome to
Bridge High School Ministry!
In BHS (Bridge High School), our ministry is focused on experiencing Jesus personally. The love of God meets us where we're at and transforms us from the inside out. Our conviction is the love of God is the most powerful force in the universe and that we can love anyone into the Kingdom of God.
The main ways we invite high schoolers to encounter the love of God and be transformed is through our events, services, and leaders. Our events are outreach-focused invitations for people to come into contact with the love of God. Our services develop an understanding of who God is and how to experience him personally. Our leaders are disciplers who model what being transformed by the love of God looks like from the inside out.
At our Sunday Bridge High School services, we start by worshiping together in the main sanctuary and then head to the youth room for a message, connection, and prayer for one another as we pursue the transforming love of God in our own lives.
We lead students to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
By working alongside parents and creating environments just for high school students, we help them own their faith, build authentic relationships with other students and make space for positive influence from our leaders and others.
We meet Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the Youth Room

Contact us
It is our privilege at the Bridge to be able to partner with families to raise up our high school students to become the men and women of God that He created them to be. Your family and your high schooler matter greatly to us! We are passionate about God’s word, living it out, and having an awesome time in the process!
We would love to meet you and get to know your family over coffee or a meal together. Whether you’re considering checking out our church family for the first time or you’ve been with us for a while and are looking to get more connected and involved, we are excited to walk with you in whatever season you are in!
– Pastor Caleb