Some times you need help in a specific area...
These courses help meet specific needs and run for short periods concurrently with Sunday services throughout the year.
We cover topics like grief support, emotional and spiritual health, parenting, finances, etc.
If you feel like one of the topics speaks to where you are currently in your journey with God, we encourage you to join one and find the hope, help and healing you need.

Emotionally Healthy Relationships
In the EH Relationships Course, everyone will learn 8 practical relationship skills to develop mature, loving relationships with others such as:
- *Stop Mind Reading and Clarify
- Expectations
- Incarnational Listening
- Climb the Ladder of Integrity
- Clean Fighting
And since loving others and loving God cannot be separated, each person will also grow in their personal, first-hand relationship with Jesus by incorporating stillness, silence, and Scripture as daily life rhythms.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Learn to slow down and cultivate a deep relationship with Jesus through our discipleship course, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. This course will explore seven themes that will move you to be deeply changed by Jesus.
- Become your authentic self
- Break the power of the past
- Let go of power and control
- Surrender to your limits
- Stop to breathe by practicing rest and Sabbath
- Learn new skills to love well
- Love Christ above all else

This class is for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. We're here to offer hope and help anyone in the grieving process. Each session is self contained, so you can jump in at any time.
We will cover 13 topics catered to help those on a "healing grief journey" and engage us in discussion to tackle the very difficult questions people have about the loss of their loved one. GriefShare is a safe place, and though you are encouraged to join in the group discussion, this portion is optional.